GWM Collection - Irregular Hexagon

Did I tell you that Teenage Cyborg is part of a collection of books that I am already planning on the second book?

This map up above will appear at the end of each book of Collection 1- Irregular Hexagon.
The 6 zones are formed in each book (red in Teenage Cyborg, orange in Burren Swings, yellow in Ordinary Road, green in Emerald Eyes and blue and purple in Leap Year Double).
Each zone is represented with the Irish Cyborg's clothing colour:

  • Edward Gandolfini is the zone spirit of the red zone "Zone Gandolfini".
  • Connor Harding-DeLorean is the zone spirit of the orange zone.
  • Heather Barker is the zone spirit of the yellow zone.
  • Green Wings Man is the zone spirit of the green zone.
  • Edward Cliff is the zone spirit of the blue zone. 
  • Red E Aaron is the zone spirit of the purple zone.
In order for these 6 zones to form, there must be 3 Irish Cyborg Centers, creating triangles (NO ILLUMINATI JUNK, PLEASE!) The zones are all connected to the center zone (Felicity) as in the book and the series, Felicity is the birthplace of the Irish Cyborgs.
  • Red zone: Gailotown (gale-o-town), Thames-Carlow and Felicity 
  • Orange zone: Thames-Carlow, Felicity and Fremantle City
  • Yellow zone: Fremantle City, Felicity and Dena-Inchi-Core
  • Green zone: Dena-Inchi-Core,  Felicity and Fitz-Cosgrove
  • Blue zone: Fitz-Cosgrove, Felicity and Cosgrove-Hall-more
  • Purple zone: Cosgrove-Hall-more, Felicity and Gailotown
 So in each book or so, an old construction or a construction that is taken over by WARREN agents is demolished and the land becomes the site of a new Irish Cyborg Centre. the blue zone and purple zone are formed next to each other rather than becoming a single zone in Leap Year Double in which takes place this year (2016). So yeah, Teenage Cyborg takes place in 2012, Burren Swings takes place in 2013, Ordinary Road takes place in 2014 and Emerald Eyes takes place in 2015. So in each of those books Green Wings Man turns 14 in Teenage Cyborg, 15 in Burren Swings, 16 in Ordinary Road and 17 in  Leap Year Double.
Also a few characters are dropped to show time passing and the title character's journey through adolescent by like that yearly photo couch gag from the Simpsons (in which sends chills down my spine when robot Homer appears).
  • Edward "Green Cyborg" Burren, Green Wings Man's uncle (1949-2012) in Teenage Cyborg.
  • Rita Gandolfini, Gandolfini's mother (1955-2013) in Burren Swings 
  • Dina Rudden, Connor's 1st flame and mother of Michael, David and AJ Harding (1984-2014) in Ordinary Road.
  •  David Cliff, Edward Cliff's parental father (1930-2015)

 Yeah, Heather and Red E Aaron are lucky in this collection.

In loving Memory of  David Bowie  (1947-2016) and Rita Duff (1921-2016)


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