6 Facts on the Amazing Adrenalini Brothers

Over 13 years ago since Pesky created ‘The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers’ and today I list some things you might not have known or recognised about these daring brothers. 1. The brothers' debut was in 2002 for the relaunch of the CBBC website They were the same back in 2002 only the absence of the van 2. Xan is the oldest of the brothers and the only brother with green eyes Wink, Wink, nudge, nudge! 3. Enk's famous squeal is just 8 letter "e"s 4. If Adi ever lost his famous enormous bushy moustache, it can grow back within minutes 5. When the brothers were little, they accidentally trapped their dad in a crate that was later opened in the online episode, Box Of No Return. Look at the letter A on them and the one now and see how different it was back then 6. Xan's shades happen to be prescription lenses. He can't see without them as noted in Dragons of Antagonism when he abruptly smashed the 4th wall with his f...