Can Irish Cyborgs (The ones inspired by Inspector Gadget) have fangs?

Characters belong to DHX media. This was used for Fair use
I was looking at the 11th April 2015 Next Time Gadget blog post and I did a comment on it and then Mesterius did this:
Improper back teeth or fangs?
I got it! An Irish Cyborg function!
Between adolescence and old age, an Irish cyborg grows blunt-ish fangs in the back of their mouth, these allow them to puncture balloons, improves digest and like bile in the liver, breaks down fats and poison. If they are about to be taking poisonous substances, the fangs will close the mouth  automatically. They can't be damaged in any way possible though as time progress they tend to malfunction. When old age this, they are "spat out" to avoid choking and, the fangs are later crushed to a powder to be placed on an infant Irish Cyborg's cheeks.

No, I'm not part of  DHX Media, Andy Heyward or Jean Chalopin (Bruno Bianchi passed away in 2011) nor do I live in Canada, America or France. I just use Inspector Gadget as a reference for the concept of Irish Cyborgs. Thanks for reading


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