Green Wings Man - Teenage Cyborg - Chapter One - pages 1-2
With his
uncle’s health deteriorating, Edd Burren will have to become the so called
nephew of Green Cyborg. He had already picked a code name, Green Wings Man.
“Lewis forgot one thing for sure” Edd said, looking at the illustration of
Queen Alice “He forgot to say about Alice’s new attire, I have read this a
baker’s dozen times and it has just come to me now” he added, brushing a fallen
cobweb from his brown tuft of hair that seemingly was inherited from his uncle.
It bounced up and down as he read the first line of the 9th chapter,
Queen Alice “It doesn’t makes sense, if Tatiana wrote this, she would explain
it in the most ridiculous way possible” Edd proclaimed. Tatiana was Edd’s
enemy, a brown-haired girl who was born the day before him and the year after
him on 24th November 1999 while he was born on 25th
November 1998. “Uncle always wants to be in the Irish Cyborg Hall of Fame
before he passes away despite Dr Reynolds telling him that he won’t pass way
anytime soon“ Edd glanced at the portraits of the ones in the Irish Cyborg Hall
of Fame in which was outside of Chief Lumberbell’s office. Paul Gandolfini
suffered a heart attack, Christopher DeLorean was knock down by a train in May
2007, Daniel Barker was
exposed to carbon monoxide, and poor Mona Cliff died of a broken heart as she
wanted to have a girl even though the doctors said she could. All of those
beautiful souls, human machinery, gone.
Suddenly a
loud bang from Chief Lumberbell’s office was heard and Edd got up from his seat
and walked over to the window in the door to look inside. His uncle was angry
at Chief Lumberbell, he could see that he flung a chair against a wall. “YOU MEAN
Lumberbell who was trembling with fear and terror. Never in all of his 50 and a
half years did he anger a 6ft 3inch Irish Cyborg who had just turned 63 in
February, the previous month. Edd pushed the door open and grabbed his uncle by
the belt of his bodysuit. “Uncle, CHILL! You’re making a scene even the
man is watching you” Edd
shouted sternly at his uncle who seemingly calmed down after realising that.
[Octavia thoughts: Honestly! Raging over a posthumous honour!
Doesn’t he know that too much stress will finish him off?! He turned 63 on 16th
February and he raging over that Irish Cyborg Hall of Fame?! Unbelievable!]
“Ok, I will
wait until I’m dead” Green Cyborg sighed “Ok, I understand you want it to
happen before you go to the great Irish Cyborg Centre in the sky but it’s
policy and that is that” Chief Lumberbell told Green Cyborg and Edd as they
left. At the carpark of the Irish Cyborg Centre in Gailotown, Green Cyborg
looked straight at the gates of Son to Father Cemetery, visioning the green
coloured Irish Cyborgs at the entrance doing guard of honour as his remains
enter the dead central in a horse drawn hearse. Edd could vision himself there,
consoling Kelsey, his mother. Green Cyborg’s body trembled a bit but he carried
on, getting into the Natasha 1 with Edd and driving back to Suede 14 in the
French Quarter of Felicity. Kelsey was
standing in the hidden garage, holding jar with a cy-germ in it surrounded by
salt water. As the boys got out of the car, she put her foot down to get their
attention “EDWARD!
What is this?” she
thundered “It’s a gift to you from me, your big brother Edward” Green Cyborg
replied. “Don’t you know what you have at the moment will happen to the baby
when it’s born and besides you told Edd that this sneezing cy-germs finished at
50 and here you are at 63 and you’re
still going!” Kelsey
replied. “He told me that it can go on until death” Edd told his mother “Uncle
only did that since when he dies, I will stay In Felicity and you will have to
wait for dad to come home from his long working day”. “Ok, I understand but Edd, you can take care
of her because it’s just so complicated.” Kelsey whimpered as she left to catch the train, giving
the jar to Edd. Green Cyborg’s face was now pale so Edd had to act fast.
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