My Dad's Will

Even though my dad will be turning 56 years old on 5th March this year, he told me his will last month while he was helping me study for my English exams on poetry and one of the poems'  verses was from The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter by Ezra Pound:
At fifteen I stopped scowling,
I desired my dust to be mingled with yours
Forever and forever  and forever
Why should I climb the lookout?

 I asked dad "Do you not mind being cremated when you pass away, dad?" in which he replied "I like to be cremated" and then he told me all about how he liked to be in Kyle forever in the woods. I have an idea that the crypt would be Eco friendly and storm proof. He also sang the chorus of The River by Bruce Springsteen when we went down to the Trioge river and I found that song for him and I told him that I will make sure that it will be last thing he will hear on his deathbed before going to the great Kyleclonobert in the sky (Heaven). I will also make sure that at his funeral, Someone Like You by Adele and Riptide by Vance Joy will play. I told mum and she got a bit upset because then she will be only one up on Strabally Road so she will also be cremated after her time and will be with dad, together forever. By the way, I would also like to be cremated after my time. It's better than burial.


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