Wiki and collection update

 My project has a wiki in which is a month older than this blog:
Green Wings Man Wiki

Collection 2 will take place in 2017 but I don't know when I will be getting to it because next year I will be doing my Junior Cert and then there are the exams leading to it and studying and the scope up in Dublin to find out what is making me feel sick since Late July-August 2015 so I will be busy. It only came to me because at the moment I will be creating new characters and some of them are born in THIS VERY DECADE. However due to the Easter Rising centenary this year and 3 weeks off school (yay!) I might plan it and Collection 1 by then. Also I almost have With Love, Paris done so double yay!

Please re share this as I want to start my career early and hope a publisher in Ireland might even publish Green Wings Man.



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